Meet the Tauck Family: Luke, Erica, Greta (7th), Ingrid (5th), and Gilbert (1st), who are big fans of classical, Christian education.
Tell us about your family! What kinds of activities or hobbies do you enjoy together?
We love being outside, going on walks, swimming, camping, listening to audiobooks, reading books, and just hanging out!
How did you hear about our school?
We heard about Faith Christian School from Grandma and Grandpa!
Was there anything in particular that influenced your decision to become a part of the FCS community?
We are very strong proponents of Classical education and wouldn't consider a non-classical option.
What are you most excited about in beginning the school year as a part of the FCS family?
The opportunities our kids have now with making new friends with similar interests, new extracurricular opportunities, and meeting families with similar priorities and goals for their children’s education.