These are some of the many ways in which we invest in our faculty. A wonderful aspect of being a teacher here at Faith Christian School is being surrounded by like-minded individuals who all engage in the pursuit to grow in their craft of teaching and their love for Christ.
“If the building is classical, the handbook is classical, the curriculum is classical, the ads are classical, and the uniforms are classical, but the teachers aren’t, then the school isn’t giving anyone a classical education.” Josh Gibbs, a fellow Christian classical educator, offered these words in a recent article. We agree, and believe our teachers make Christian classical education happen.
Our Faculty Profile states: “A faculty member of Faith Christian School is distinguished by three loves, namely, a love of Jesus Christ, a love of intellectual inquiry, and a love of his or her neighbors. Therefore, so distinguished, each faculty member of Faith Christian School is a Christian, a scholar, and a friend. And so comprised of such individuals, the collective faculty is a fellowship of Christian scholars.” This understanding permeates the selection, development, and support of our faculty.
Teaching candidates engage in a rigorous process that includes conversations with the administration, the completion of an extensive application, and the presentation of a mock lesson to actual students for courses they seek to teach. On the day of their visit to the school, candidates follow a carefully designed schedule that emphasizes opportunities to engage with our community: meetings with administrators, lunch with our faculty, and further conversations regarding what it means to teach at Faith. Faith Christian School understands that it is not just what your children are taught that is important, but it is who teaches your children that will make all the difference. We look for the following characteristics in every teacher we hire: a profession of faith and evidence of a growing relationship with Christ is paramount; their genuine love for children, the subjects they teach, and a commitment to learning about and implementing our distinct Christian classical pedagogy is essential. We seek to encourage the habit of lifelong learning in our students and desire the same in our faculty. Recognizing that as Christian Classical educators we are interested in not just what our students are taught but more so who they are becoming, our teachers must be able to model the virtues we desire to see in each of our students. Humility, teachability, and a willingness to invest time and energy into our school community are requisite. One of our Basic Understandings at Faith is that “teaching cannot occur apart from relationships”; therefore, the question, “In what ways do you seek to build relationships with your students?” is prioritized during every interview.

We place a high priority on equipping our faculty, understanding that they are our greatest asset. New teachers begin their tenure here by attending a week-long training. This time is designed to immerse new teachers in a Christian Classical experience with the expectation they will grow in their ability to provide the same for their students. All faculty return to campus the week before school begins. This week includes sessions that focus on strengthening pedagogical skills within our unique model of education, times of soul nourishment, and collaboration with fellow colleagues. During the summer, faculty are assigned a text to read that informs our professional development plan for the upcoming school year. Plenary (JK-12) and Divisional (JK-5, 6-12) meetings as well as cohorts and grade-level meetings are held monthly. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings with an assigned coach provide the occasion for every teacher to receive support, encouragement, inspiration, and instruction. This continuous conversation with the coach also references the characteristics from our Faculty Evaluation that is completed each school year.
These are some of the many ways in which we invest in our faculty. A wonderful aspect of being a teacher here at Faith Christian School is being surrounded by like-minded individuals who all engage in the pursuit to grow in their craft of teaching and their love for Christ. At the beginning of our new teacher manual, we offer this benediction: “We pray that God will enlarge your own mind and heart to achieve that which is beyond your natural capacities for the benefit of your students, ultimately for the glory of God.” May it be so!