We believe strongly at Faith Christian School that we were created for community and the school’s Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO) desires to support a caring culture among our students, parents, faculty, and staff.
We believe strongly at Faith Christian School that we were created for community, and the school’s Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO) desires to support a caring culture among our students, parents, faculty, and staff.
This support extends to our new families—being new is often hard! You might not know what questions to ask (or who to ask). You may not always know about available resources or purposes of traditions and events (and what all those Latin words mean?!). To help with the transition process, the PVO hosts summer gatherings for Lower, Middle, and Upper School to foster relationships—all while having fun!
We purposefully invite new FCS families to scheduled events and connect them with veteran FCS families (Warrior Connectors) so our culture of community can grow stronger. This summer, we hosted two Lower School events, one for JK-2nd grade at an indoor play facility and one for 3rd-5th at a local park with lots of popsicles. For Middle School students, the PVO chaperoned an evening at a roller-skating rink. Each August, the Middle and Upper School students are invited to Luau (a pool party). During this time, the PVO invited all Middle and Upper School parents to a social of their own hosted at a family’s home. New families were also invited to the upcoming New Family Coffee just after school started.
It is so sweet on the first day of school to see a new student who is already known by name to their classmates because of the connections the PVO and our Warrior Connector families helped create over summer break.
The connections don’t end when the school year begins! We look forward to gathering as a large community at Harvest Hangout (Friday, October 20), chapels, and sporting events, as well as planned family socials such as skate parties and playdates throughout the school year. The smaller, intentional gatherings over the summer make those large gatherings much more fun and relaxing for all of our families.
If you missed the summer activities, no worries! We welcome you to jump in and join us at any (or all!) of our events during the school year. Details will always be in The Shield (that’s the weekly e-newsletter the school sends out on Tuesdays, by the way).