Katherine Overton  |  FCS Teacher Story Header

"I had been searching for a Christian school to work in, to express the love of Christ to students. I never knew there was a Classical Christian school that was such a perfect fit for me!" - Katherine Overton, 5-7th Grade Math Teacher

I love mathematics! I believe the more you study math, the more you see the divine order, the beauty, and the complexity of the world God created. 

I had been searching for a Christian school to work in, to express the love of Christ to students. I never knew there was a Classical Christian school that was such a perfect fit for me!

What post-secondary schools did you attend? Degrees held?

Roanoke College, BS in Mathematics

Have you taught or been involved in schools somewhere else prior to FCS? If so, where, and how long?

I spent two years teaching 7th-grade math at John P. Fishwick Middle School.

What are your hobbies or things you enjoy outside of the school?

Outside of school, I train, ride, and show horses. I currently own two Paints, but I love Arabians and Appaloosas (breeds). Math is my first God-given passion, and horses are my second!

What or who inspired you to work in education?

My father taught band for 30 years. He strived to be the best of the best and won the most consecutive superior band ratings on the entire east coast. 

What do you find most compelling or distinct about Christian classical education? 

I believe it is the only way to do right by little people. It lets them be themselves, grow, and flourish. It’s like teaching from a distance, letting them stumble and pick themselves up, learning from mistakes, help when they need it. It makes them stronger, I dare say smarter, people.

What do you love about the idea of teaching at Faith Christian School or what do you anticipate appreciating most about Faith Christian School?

The ability to share the gospel with little people; the ability to teach classically; the way I have always wanted to teach (and learn)!

What's a favorite book you've read?

Relativity – Albert Einstein

If you have a "life verse" or a verse that is ministering to you right now, what might it be? 

The law came through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. - John 1:17.

If you have a personal life's mission statement, what is it?

Never stop getting better. Never stop getting to know God better. 

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