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Reflecting on algebraic concepts allows a student to think in new ways and respond when confronted with complicated situations in more than just a math class.

Have you ever looked closely at a flower and counted the petals or looked at the placement of the leaves on the stem? The placement is precise and reveals one of the most famous patterns discovered in nature. The seeds of a sunflower, the spirals on a pineapple, the shape of a hurricane have the same pattern. 

Developed from the Fibonacci sequence, the golden spiral and the golden ratio, we observe a unique design woven into creation by the ultimate Designer and infinite Mathematician. The studying of algebra explores the language written into the universe by our Maker—mathematics. Perhaps this was not your experience in a math class. At Faith Christian School we teach mathematics from this Christian perspective.

Fibonacci Sequence Piccs

Algebra is not just about calculation. It employs the imagination, critical thinking, logic, and a systematic process to build a foundation for more advanced mathematics. At FCS we urge students not to only learn the mathematical algebraic language but also to clearly explain thoughts and solutions to others through writing and an oral defense. Math classrooms are filled with students working at the white boards explaining a problem to other students. Time is taken to allow careful consideration of the approach. No longer does a student waste time memorizing steps which will only lead to frustration and confusion. A student learns to understand the concept and apply prior knowledge as a strategy to succeed. 

At FCS we consider the historical development of algebra by which abstract problems can be solved. For example, a problem arose during World War II to optimize supply and troop movement. Leonid Kantorovich developed Linear Programming, kept secret during war time. Now Algebra 1 students can maximize profits while minimizing costs using this same method.

After learning about types of linear equations and slope of a line, a student wrote in a reflection that a vertical relationship with God helps him be kind and compassionate in his horizontal relationships with others.

Reflecting on algebraic concepts allows a student to think in new ways and respond when confronted with complicated situations in more than just a math class.

From the putting of a golf ball on the green into the hole, the arc of the basketball shot from the free throw line, the reception of a signal on a satellite dish, and much more, Mathematics is the language written to describe each situation.  A student at Faith Christian School learns the beauty God created when he wrote the universe with math for man to discover. Join us on the journey to learn about God by learning about Algebra!

- Karen Goodman, Faith Christian School Mathematics teacher

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