First Friday  |  FCS Story Header

When traditions circle fully back around we feel deeply connected—those who experienced traditions when they were just beginning their journey at Faith Christian School turn around and pass them on to students who are just beginning their own journey.

First Friday is a longstanding Faith Christian School tradition that is held on the first Friday of the school year in celebration of the seniors and kindergarten students. It has turned into a wonderful and fun way to celebrate the start of the school year. When the seniors arrive back at school for Meet the Teacher Day prior to school starting, they meet with the theatre teacher and learn what classic story they will be dramatizing at an All School Chapel on Friday, specifically for the Kindergarten class.  Lots of fun classic childhood books have been acted out over the years, but this year’s production was particularly meaningful as it was the very same play that was performed for this Senior Class when they were in Kindergarten: “Chicken Little.”  The Seniors are quickly assigned parts, learn simple blocking moves, and figure out basic costumes. One more rehearsal on Wednesday, and then the Seniors are ready to perform on Friday! 

“Chicken Little,” as performed by the Seniors, was a great hit, with laughter erupting throughout the Great Room. At the conclusion, kindergarten students were assigned their senior buddies—the very first meet-up for the Class of 2025 and the Class of 2037.

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This tradition is especially meaningful for Seniors who attended FCS in Kindergarten and have memories of this tradition themselves.  Graham Whitaker shared, “It was neat to perform the same play that was performed for us when we were in Kindergarten. I can remember walking up on the stage after the play and looking up at how tall my Senior Buddy was. I had to laugh when my Kindergarten buddy looked up at me and said, ‘You are tall.’ I am looking forward to making fun memories with my buddies Gabe, Reese, and Kenna.”

This event is the first of many meetings between the seniors and the kindergarteners during the school year. They will be celebrating holidays together, spending time on the playground together, and, of course, the highlight in October is the annual trip to the pumpkin patch. Most of all, they are becoming friends and forming bonds that often last well beyond this school year. Many memories are ahead for the Classes of 2025 and 2037!

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