FCS Class of 2024 Graduation  |  Faith Christian School Stories

Each year, the faculty selects a member of the Senior Class to deliver the graduation address. Below, read Rachelle Brown’s graduation speech and charge to the graduating class of 2024.

Good evening. I am so honored to be standing before you all this evening, and I am even more honored to be a part of this senior class. Throughout our time at Faith, we have accomplished so much and we’ve done it together. We have laughed together, cried together, completed theses together, ridden 28 hours on a bus together, and lived together for the past year, and for some of us, for the last thirteen. Throughout the years, classmates have come and gone, and our class, especially in middle school, seemed like a revolving door that would never quite click into place. However, I truly believe that each one of us has been placed here, in this class, for such a time as this. Some of us are creative, some of us are quiet, some are loud, some are athletes, and some prefer to cheer from the sidelines. However, despite these differences, we have all grown together, and our differences have complemented one another in a way that truly illuminates God’s design for our class. So, here we are, at the culmination of our high school career together, and as we leave the halls of Faith Christian, I would like to offer you two things: an encouragement and a reminder.

So, first, the encouragement. Although it may be hard to fully grasp the impact now, be encouraged by the relationships, mentorships, and sweet friendships that we have developed. Although it may be easy to wish that we had had a more “conventional” high school experience with bigger classes, Friday night lights, and crazy proms, I hope we never fail to look back only with hearts of thankfulness and gratitude for the opportunities and lasting relationships that we were offered at Faith. No, we didn’t have big classes. We had small ones that taught us how to live in community. We didn’t have Friday night lights. We had “Pack the Gym” nights where Mrs. Brown would do one too many cartwheels. And, no, we didn’t have crazy proms. We had “Blast from the Pasts” where we watched sixth graders grow into seniors who aren’t afraid to dance like nobody’s watching. So, I encourage you with this: we haven’t missed out, instead, we’ve been placed here, surrounded by the good, the true, and the beautiful – mot sheltered, but guarded.

I remember when my parents were first visiting schools in hopes of choosing one to send me to for kindergarten thirteen years ago. We had started homeschooling but quickly realized that my mom and I were just a little bit too much alike to master the student-teacher dynamic. So, in their search, they were told about Faith Christian by the Caywood family, and they decided to give it a try. They went to one Open House, and that was it. And now, here I am, standing before you today. I often ask my parents what it was about Faith Christian School that made it stand out. What made them so sure? “We just knew,” the response I’ve heard so many times from so many people. “We just knew.” This confidence, this sureness, can only be credited to one thing, or one person rather, and that is the work of the Holy Spirit. God has worked through the lives and hearts of everyone in this room, leading them to Faith Christian School. So, my fellow classmates, be encouraged and uplifted that this call was placed upon the hearts of our parents, leading us here for a purpose, leading us to Faith where we’ve been poured into, prayed over, and communed with.

Now, moving on to the reminder: As our time at Faith comes to a close, I believe we can all safely say that we know a lot. We know how to conjugate verbs in Latin, we know how to anti-derive in calculus, we know how to recognize fallacies, and we know how to defend our own position with style and persuasion. One thing we also know a lot about is God. Every day that we have spent inside these walls, the word of the Lord and knowledge about him has been poured into us. From Old Testament stories to complex theology, it can almost seem like we have all of the answers tied up in a nice little bow. However, the reminder I want to offer is this: the God of the Bible is not merely a God that we know a lot about; he is the God we serve. He is not just far off, complacent being only concerned with the specifics of doctrine and dogma, and he is not just an emotional outlet for our feelings. He is the Lord Almighty; the same God who called us to Faith Christian School is the same God who will guard us and keep us as we venture into this next phase of life.

Let us strive to know him, not just know about him. After all, this has been the theme of this year in the Middle and Upper School. As Paul boldly proclaims in Philippians 3:8: “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Not just knowing all of the answers, which is certainly a temptation for our high-achieving class, but seeking to know and commune with the God of the universe. Let us not become haughty, boasting in the knowledge we have acquired here, but let us humble ourselves, becoming teachable individuals who are aware of our limited knowledge and who seek to use the tools we have been given here to further the kingdom of the God we’re getting to know.

Before I close, I would like to offer a small charge to each of my classmates. As I have gotten to know them over the years, it has become easy to see Jesus in each one of them – how he has molded them, shaped them, and blessed them with unique gifts and talents that will certainly shine as we leave the halls of Faith Christian School.

  • Lilly: Never stop being a helper, but don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.  You are stronger than you know, but always remember to lean on him who is our ever-present Help in times of need.
  • Brock: We have watched you blossom: use your creativity for the ultimate creator. In all that you create, reflect Him and be bold because more people deserve to know you. You offer so much more than you think.
  • EK: You are selfless. The humility and quiet radiance that you exude is God manifested in you. But, as you go on, don’t be afraid to be bold, stand up for what you believe in, and find your confidence in the Lord.
  • Adam: Your meticulous care and intentionality are apparent in all that you do, but don’t let the anxieties of this life get the best of you. Seek peace in Christ, knowing that he has intentionally planned every step ahead of you.
  • Anna: Never lose your spunk. Your fire and your work ethic will take you far, but take time to pause, reflect, and rest in the Lord.
  • Alex: The growth we have all seen take place in your life can only be credited to the work of the Lord in your heart. Continue to grow deeper in Him, and as Mr. Muench charged you earlier, aim for the highest.
  • Alena: The joy and spark you have truly come from Christ, and it is easy for all to see Him reflected in everything that you do. Never let the light of Christ in you be extinguished by the darkness of this world.
  • Caleb: You are driven, and you never fail to execute when a plan comes to mind. You are a goal-seeker. But, in all that you will pursue and all that you will accomplish with these skills, never lose sight of the ultimate goal, which is furthering the kingdom of God.
  • Caroline: You are a friend to all. You’ve taught us that friendship doesn’t mean getting along with the people we like, but it means investment and commitment. Seek godly friendships and continue to be a deep-spirited friend in every community that is blessed to call you theirs.
  • Lailah: You are radiant. You exude joy and thoughtfulness in all that you do, and it is no wonder that the younger generation is drawn to you. As you go on to teach, never stop learning yourself, and never lose your passion and heart for others.
  • Bella: You are truly beautiful inside and out. You seek the betterment of the culture around you, and you are a cornerstone for each community that you are a part of. I encourage you to invest in communities that need the gospel and be a leader who is not swayed by the temptation to merely fit in or move with the crowd.
  • Landon: You are the epitome of sportsmanship in all aspects of life. You care deeply for others and make sacrifices when no one is looking. Use the athletic abilities and the heart you have been gifted with to make a maximum impact for the Lord.
  • Aaron: You are thoughtful and introspective. I challenge you to use this skill to think deeply about the things of God, meditate on the mysteries of God, and seek wisdom from his word.

I love you all deeply, and it has been my privilege to do life with you for the past thirteen years. I want to close with an image with which we are all familiar: The Sun. As we leave Faith Christian School, I pray we will never forget the meaning of the Sun as the symbol of our senior banner. We did not choose the symbol of the Sun because it looked nice or because we liked the color; we chose it because it serves as a reminder of the infallibility and never-ending mercy of God.

Like the Sun, God has remained constant. No matter how dark the night may seem, the sun always rises, bringing hope and restoration to even the direst of circumstances. As we go off to college and enter this next phase of life, be reminded that, like the sun, God is not fleeting and unpredictable; rather, he is everlasting and faithful. If God ever seems distant or removed, may we always be reminded of his goodness and closeness in every rising and every setting of the sun. As Isaiah 45:6 states: “So that all may know, from where the sun rises to where it sets, that there is none but Me; I am the LORD, and there is no other.” There is none but him. Now, let us leave this place in confidence, encouraged by the blessings we have been given and reminded of the immense privilege of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank you.

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