Senior Spotlight: Emily "Em" Eanes, Class of 2023
In what grade did you start attending Faith?
6th grade part-time, 8th grade full-time
What activities were you involved in while you were a student at Faith?
I have been involved in Fides, Key Club, MGA, LaMesa, and a Project Faith Student Manager. I also played volleyball, basketball, soccer, and ran cross country. Volleyball and Soccer were my favorite activities.
What might some of your favorite memories be?
My favorite memories are winning Soccer states in 7th grade, going to volleyball nationals with my friends our senior year, and laughing with my friends around the campfire at Senior Retreat.
What is your thesis topic and why did you choose it?
I chose diet intervention in the impoverished community. I have always been intrigued by nutrition, and I desired to further my knowledge by learning how to implement practical changes in my community to inspire others to healthier living.
What do you feel have been some of the academic benefits of attending Faith Christian School?
Many benefits of FCS stem from its small community. One enormous blessing has been being able to come into a small class and grow into a family. Because there are only 11 of us, we really do function as a familial unit and support each other in all of our academic and athletic efforts.
Has there been a teacher at FCS that has impacted your faith, education, or personal growth in a significant way? If you were to say thank you to this person, what might you say?
Our Dean of Students, Mr. Virgin, has influenced and directed me through his candid but caring advice. He has been such an immense blessing to our community. He has impressed upon me the importance of diligence while reminding me never to take things too seriously.
What are some things you would like to tell younger students as they continue their education at FCS?
I would tell them to cherish their relationships with their classmates and take advantage of the rare opportunity to know your classmates personally. Also, I would remind them that while our school is known for its academic rigor, academics do not define a person; their character does. Always consider the needs of others, and speak kindly of those around you.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I am attending James Madison University. I intend to study Physical Therapy with a minor in Spanish to become a bilingual physical therapist.