Ellie Kate Beaumont | FCS Senior Spotlights

Senior Spotlight: Ellie Kate Beaumont, Class of 2024

Ellie Kate Beaumont  |  Senior In-Story Photo
In what grade did you start attending Faith Christian School?

I started attending Faith in 6th grade.

What activities were you involved in while you were a student at Faith Christian School?

I have been involved in volleyball and soccer at Faith. I also served as President of Fides and was a member of the Veritas Honor Society, Ministerium, Praise Band, Vesperia Committee, and I served as a Project Faith Student Manager. 

What might some of your favorite memories be?

Some of my favorite memories are locker room dance parties before games, having classes outside, and senior sunrise. 

What is your thesis topic and why did you choose it?

My thesis topic is “Neurotheology: Enhancing Our Spiritual Loves by Understanding Spirituality in the Brain.”  Mrs. DeMott brought this topic to my attention, and I was hooked. 

How might your learning in a Christian environment at FCS positively affect you?

Learning in a Christian environment has taught me to know what I believe and why I believe it.  FCS has helped me in my spiritual walk, and I feel equipped with the tools necessary to live out my faith daily.

Has there been a teacher at FCS that has impacted your faith, education, or personal growth in a significant way? If you were to say thank you to this person, what might you say? 

I would like to thank all my teachers for challenging me conceptually as well as spiritually. I have learned the art of patience, perseverance, and discernment in my studies and spiritual life. 

What might it mean to you to have attended both a classical and Christian school?

Being in a classical and Christian school has helped me to understand more about my faith and how to apply it to other subjects. 

What are some things you would like to tell younger students as they continue their education at FCS?

When classes get hard or you are challenged conceptually, do not be afraid to ask for help. The teachers are more than welcoming and willing to spend extra time working with you. Learn to understand the material, not to achieve a certain grade.

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to attend Furman University to study Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience.

Ellie Kate Beaumont  |  Senior Collage FCS Collage
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