The Delp family shares how attending Faith Christian School was God's answer to a mother's heart-prayer.
How long has your family been a part of our school?
This is our fourth year at FCS.
Why did you choose FCS for your child(ren)?
When my oldest was a baby, I would drive past this school and ask God if He would make a way for them to come here. Looking back, I don't know if I fully understood why I was asking Him for that. There was just something about this building and the presence that I felt, even driving by, that I knew I wanted my kids here. I knew I wanted my children to be immersed in a biblical worldview as they were growing up. I knew that I wanted them surrounded by Christian role models who would come alongside me to help them navigate life. I knew that I wanted my children to have solid critical thinking skills—a skill that is foundational to the classical model. This is about all I knew when I called to set up a tour and applied for enrollment at Faith Christian School.
After having my children attend FCS for the past four years, I know now that there was so much more that the Lord had in store for not just my children, but our family as a whole, and that He himself planted that seed of desire in my heart. And He himself gave me the boldness to act on that desire and trust Him for the fulfillment of that desire.
What do you love most about FCS?
This is so hard to answer because there are so many things. I think what I love most are the teachers and staff. Having the privilege of working here this past year, I see even more intricately how amazing these people truly are. They love Jesus with all that they are and they seek to glorify Him everyday in their work. They are not here for a paycheck. They are here to bring glory to God through educating young people that were created in His image to do His works. The sincerity of faith that is present in every single staff member is something I have not even experienced in churches. To add to this, the administration team does everything they can to support the teachers and staff. Teachers are given what they need to do their job well. These individuals are also brilliant. They are experts in their subject matter. Because they strive to glorify God in their teaching, they work hard to present only the best content. They prepare themselves to answer any questions that arise and help students to dig into their subject matter deeply. I am so thankful to have these amazing individuals pouring into my kids every day.
What is one word that describes our school? Tell us why you chose that word.
Love. Above all else is love. This is biblical. Faith Christian School exemplifies this. In lesson planning there is love, in discipline there is love, in delivery of subject matter there is love for the subject. Genuine love for the students, love for their subject matter as a means of revealing more of God's nature and characteristics, and genuine love for God himself are a recipe for thriving students.
How is FCS preparing your student(s) for God's call on their lives, including hopes, plans, and dreams for college, career, and/or community?
They are teaching my children not only how to learn but to love learning. They are helping my children to be attuned to God's heart. I have no idea what God is going to call my children to do. But I know that the skills that they are receiving at FCS—how to think critically, how to articulate their thoughts, how to be confident in front of others, how to be filled with the fruits of the spirit, how to love what God loves—all of these things will set them up for success for whatever they choose to do.
What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at Faith Christian School?
Just do it! If this is something you desire for your family, just make the call. I felt hopeless that we would never be able to financially provide this for our children. I had an FCS parent encourage me to call and apply for financial aid. She said to me, "All they can do is tell you no, and then at least you tried". I did that five years ago and I am so glad that I did!