Sami Clayman  |  FCS Teacher Story Header

"I have always enjoyed drawing, painting and using my hands to create with inspiration that our Creator displays for us daily." - Sami Clayman, Art Teacher

I’m a native to the Roanoke Valley area. My husband and I have been married for almost 16 years now. We have two boys, Grant and Kent, who have attended Faith Christian School since kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten. I have always enjoyed drawing, painting and using my hands to create with inspiration that our Creator displays for us daily. During COVID, I felt a pull to open a business selling art prints, cards, and other small designs. That ultimately led me to where I am at currently, Art Teacher at FCS.

My youngest brother is a graduate of FCS. Having seen a little of what the school had to offer when he attended, we decided to look into it for our own son. Grant has attended Faith Christian School since Kindergarten, and since then I have been an avid volunteer.

What are your hobbies or things you enjoy outside of the school?

Painting watercolor is my go-to for relaxation. As a family, we love to bike ride the trails around Roanoke and overall enjoy many outdoor activities.  

What words would you use to describe what we, as a community at FCS, value most?

A Mind for Truth, a Heart for Christ, a Will to Serve

What do you find most compelling or distinct about Christian classical education? 

That it establishes a biblical worldview, that each subject is integrated, and that it proclaims the truth that God is the creator of all things.

Why do you love Faith Christian School or what do you appreciate most about Faith Christian School?

I love the community aspect of the school. It’s a blessing to have our children surrounded by like-minded families, faculty and staff.  

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