Senior Spotlight: Christian Shank, Class of 2023
In what grade did you start attending Faith?
What activities were you involved in while you were a student at Faith Christian School?
I have been involved in Archery, Hi-Y, Fides, La Mesa (Spanish Club) and Junior League Basketball.
What might some of your favorite memories be?
My favorite memory is the fifth-grade graduation party.
What is your thesis topic and why did you choose it?
My thesis topic is religious bias in the media, and I chose it because I believe it is an important topic that is not discussed enough.
What do you feel have been some of the academic benefits of attending Faith Christian School?
The teachers are more personal and the curriculum is more challenging.
What are some things you would like to tell younger students as they continue their education at FCS?
Study hard and do your homework.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I plan to attend college and join the military.