Chisholm Family  |  FCS New Family Stories

Rory and Caroline Chisholm share what led their family to Faith Christian School for the 2022-2023 school year.

Tell us about your family! What kinds of activities or hobbies do you enjoy together?

We enjoy being outside, playing in the creek, and being on the lake!

How did you hear about our school?

Through research of our own followed by several friends who have children attending Faith Christian School!

Was there anything in particular that influenced your decision to become a part of the FCS community?

The Classical Christian Education curriculum was a huge factor. We want our children to have the best education while keeping God at the forefront.

What are you most excited about in beginning the school year as a part of the FCS family?

We are excited for Goodwin and our family to be part of this community and have a larger family and support system in Roanoke!

Goodwin, JK Student  |  FCS New Family Stories

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