Senior Spotlight: Ashley Crosby, Class of 2023
In what grade did you start attending Faith?
What activities were you involved in while you were a student at Faith?
I have been President of the Veritas Honor Society while in the 11th and 12th grade and have been to Richmond for MGA as part of Hi-Y. In addition, I served as Project Faith Student Manager for three years. I have enjoyed basketball and soccer for seven years, running cross country the past three years, and being a part of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
What might some of your favorite memories be?
My favorite memory is of our time at Senior Retreat this past September. Not only did I enjoy spending quality time with my classmates and advisors, but I also really enjoyed becoming closer spiritually through our talks, meditations, and intimate discussions about our faith. Many fun memories have been made in the senior commons as well.
What is your thesis topic and why did you choose it?
My thesis topic is the physical, psychological, and spiritual effects of performance-enhancers in sports. I chose this topic because it merges together my two passions in life, sports and medicine, into a topic that is highly controversial today.
What do you feel have been some of the academic benefits of attending Faith Christian School?
Some of the academic benefits include development of strong writing abilities and the ability to think deeply. The Senior Thesis program has really helped me in my research, writing, and public speaking skills.
Has there been a teacher at FCS that has impacted your faith, education, or personal growth in a significant way? If you were to say thank you to this person, what might you say?
Mr. Virgin has done all those things. Especially in 11th grade Apologetics, Mr. Virgin pushed our class academically and encouraged us to dig deeper in our persuasive writing abilities. However, he has also allowed us to enjoy school by being a teacher we can come to about anything while goofing off with us at the same time. Thanks, Mr. Virgin, for being there for our class in any way we needed.
What are some things you would like to tell younger students as they continue their education at FCS?
Be diligent in your studies because they do matter more than you might think. However, do not stress so much about it that you take the joy out of learning. We are here to learn, not just get good grades. You are more than your grades; find your worth in Christ’s love for you.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I am attending Liberty University in the fall to pursue a career in medicine. I am majoring in Exercise Science with a concentration in Therapeutic Science and will attend PA school afterwards to become a Physician Assistant.