Adam Beecher  |  FCS Senior Spotlight Header

Senior Spotlight: Adam Beecher, Class of 2024

Adam Beecher  |  Senior In-Story Photo
In what grade did you start attending Faith?

I attended Faith Christian School in Kindergarten and returned in fifth grade. 

What activities were you involved in while you were a student at Faith?

I have been involved in SGA as Treasurer, Vice President and President of Veritas, Ministerium, Hi-Y, Fides, Debate Club, Chess Club, and LaMesa.  I have also served as a Project Faith Student Manager and participated in Soccer, Archery, Basketball, and Volleyball. 

What might some of your favorite memories be?

I have enjoyed all my time at Faith.

What is your thesis topic and why did you choose it?

My thesis topic is on Public Housing, specifically around improving and expanding work programs within housing assistance.  My thesis advisor, Mr. Painter, helped me narrow down my topic ideas to where socialism played a part in its concepts.  Public housing was the choice that interested me the most.  From this choice, my topic has developed as I did more research.

What do you feel have been some of the academic benefits of attending Faith Christian School?

Faith Christian School has always taught me to connect everything to Christ. It is not simply God who enters our story, but rather we enter His.

Has there been a teacher at FCS that has impacted your faith, education, or personal growth in a significant way? If you were to say thank you to this person, what might you say? 

Stephen Williams was a teacher that I grew close to.  His love and appreciation for the contemplation of literature helped me grow as a student.  If you ever see this message, Mr. Williams, I just want to say how grateful I am to you for investing in my life and caring for my well-being.  I’m thankful for our talks and how you pushed me to develop as a man.

What do you feel have been some of the academic benefits of attending Faith Christian School?

I have been greatly encouraged to think deeply about what I believe.  Rather than simply accepting the ideas that I was raised in, I was pushed to make informative and logical reasonings for my beliefs. Thus, my knowledge and discernment have constantly developed.  

What are some things you would like to tell younger students as they continue their education at FCS?

Whenever my Kindergarten buddy can read my message, I wish for him to understand the importance of school. School is important, and the teachers are people we must respect and learn from. But I also want to emphasize that school isn’t everything.  Do more beyond your studies. Engage in activities outside of school, activities that will develop you as a person. Don’t center your life around school, but appreciate what school has to offer. 

What might it mean to you to have attended both a classical and Christian school?

Classical means that we are not forgetting the importance of the ancient past, and remembering the foundational concepts our society has normalized but forgotten. Christian learning means we are continually developing our faith, even as our studies stay relevant. 

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to go to college.  If all goes well, I will get a job in the field that I like.  I plan to continue my hobbies during and after college.  I’ll pursue excellence in college but develop my skills beyond academics, or so I hope. 

Adam Beecher  |  Senior Collage FCS In-Story
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